Sydney man invokes squatting law to win rights to Redfern 'dunny lane' in NSW Supreme CourtWritten on the 21 August 2020 ![]()
A Sydney man has won a NSW Supreme Court battle against his neighbour over a 3.35 square metre piece of former "dunny lane" land after he invoked squatters rights. Justice Francois Kunc, who ruled on who owns the small piece of land, said the case involved two very Australian phenomena: the 'dunny' and dedication to home improvement.
The shared area between the properties of Christopher Hardy and Joseph Sidoti in the inner city suburb of Redfern was originally developed at the end of the 19th century to enable the "dunny man" to collect waste from brick outhouses. He said the lanes were a reminder of "a less sanitary past", borrowing from a media report which said Redfern had "succumbed to a tsunami of smashed avocado and man buns".
Mr Hardy's case stated that he acquired the legal title to the land by adverse possession, colloquially known as squatters' rights, under which a person can legally take possession of land they have occupied exclusively for 12 years. Mr Hardy's acts of possession were, according to Mr Sidoti, incremental over time, of a makeshift and non-permanent nature and done to improve amenity rather than to secure possession. Justice Kunc ruled the former owners of Mr Sidoti's property needed to have recovered the land as titleholders by no later than January 2017. The court found Mr Sidoti did not acquire title to the land when it was purchased in April 2018, and under adverse possession, Mr Hardy had acquired the space. |